Tuesday, April 15, 2008

J'en ai marre de Johnny Marr...

(... or roll and rock)

Have you noticed just how long people are in the lavatory?

Well I've noticed that short people are also there too.

Living on a tight budget, like living on a tight budgie, encourages innovation. One such piece of innovation I shall relate unto you now.

You'll know from reading this blog that there's plenty of corn in my diet, and in this blog. Thus I go thru my fair share of bog roll. This has created a cash flow problem.

The walls have ears and potatoes have eyes, so keep this to yourselves:

If buying t.p. is too much of an extravagance, then find a toilet roll tube and use it to coil the free t.p. provided in public toilets in universities, cafés, on trains or in libraries. The savings are absolootely fantastic.

Beware thou, such a practise is not entirely without risk: You can get AIDS on a toilet seat, but there are more comfortable places.


  1. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celulite, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://eliminando-a-celulite.blogspot.com. A hug.

  2. this is strange - I was listening to Modest Mouse, and I suddenly realized Johnny Marr sounds like "j'en ai marre". So I go to google, type in the two phrases, and your page was the second. I read the top and I'm like shit - I'm an American living in Louvain-la-Neuve right now.

    What is it about that combination that makes one think of Johnny Marr/j'en ai marre?

    En tout cas, je n'en ai pas ma claque avec Johnny Marr, j'aime bien le nouveau album de MM
